StarFox Command

SKU: DS214 Category: Condition:

Our Used Discs & Cartridges are Quality Checked. Manuals are usually included but not Guaranteed. Any DLC or Bonus Codes with the game at release will have been used.


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Star Fox returns to its roots with a blistering space shooter on the Nintendo DS. Lylat needs help. Players hop into their Arwing fighter and fight through a unique branching storyline of missions, all rendered in gorgeous 3-D. Star Fox Command brings a whole new strategic element to the series with a commanders view of the mission. Using the touch screen, players can draw the routes they and their teammates will take, then battle the enemies they encounter as they take over bases and strategically advance across the map. Players can blow their friends out of the sky as they dogfight with up to five players over a local wireless connection or take on up to three players from around the world on Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.